simple matters: a solo exhibition Edgewater Gallery, opening reception Thursday, October 5

Please join me October 5 from 5-6:30 pm at Edgewater Gallery on the Green for an opening reception to celebrate my new oil paintings. The show will run from October 3 to November 14.

I painted this collection from a vantage point of wistful stillness. My aim was to keep the concept of wabi sabi in mind; to explore the beauty in humble simplicity, to honor and accept flaws and imperfections and embrace aging.

I’ve loved Vermont’s buildings for years, wondering at those windows and doors set in odd corners, the wood surfaces worn to a soft patina. With these oil paintings I’ve circled back to study some favorite subjects: cupolas crowning old grandee barns, the gleam of sunlight on a metal roof, the fields giving their gold away.

My color inspiration was a group of Gee’s Bend Quilt notecards strung along my studio wall.


I’m never done with looking.

“I look; morning to night I am never done with looking.

Looking I mean not just standing around, but standing around
as though with your arms open.”
–Mary Oliver

note: I mistakenly had the wrong date for my initial posting. Thursday, October 5 from 5-6:30 is the correct information. Please accept my apologies for any confusion!